Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day's Adventures

David has a vast imagination, he is always thinking up a new game to play or being a pretend character. Right now he is spiderman, when he is not jumping off the furniture pretending to shoot webs, he is making his spiderman hideouts. I love this age well except for the whole talking back phase we are going through. Seeing him grow into a little man makes a mommy proud. I don't know where he gets his imagination from I am crafty but my imagination has never been a detailed as his. We are going to the beach next week for my work and have some fun adventures planned for him, I can't wait to write about what he thinks about Alligator Adventure or to see if he will now be an alligator instead of spiderman.

Today while getting all the clothes washed so I could start packing this is what I walked out the room to see.