Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This Crazy Life

My life right now is chaotic to say the least. We are moving 700 miles away from our friends and family for my husband's job. I am struggling big time at home and at work. Yesterday we put our house on the market and I think I cried inside the whole day. See we worked saving and paying off all of our debt, that we were stupid enough to make in college, for two years. We lived with my parents the first two years of my sons life to be able to afford this house. We searched for six months to find this house, our perfect house for our little family. My daughter was brought home to this house after being in the NICU for a week. I have cried in this house for lost family members. I have watched my toddler grow into a pre-schooler and learn to play on his swing set in this house. I know it is just a house and no matter where we are it will be home as long as I have my husband and our babies, but this was our beginning. Right now it just feels a bit overwhelming.